今年の8月末~9月初旬にかけて、DOVE BIG WAVE RIDER・サム ユーンがメンタワイ諸島へボートトリップへ行った時の写真が送られてきた。
日本人の奥様と愛娘と3人でDOVE FACTORYへ来たのが去年。
色々な話をして、サーフィンに対する姿勢や取り組み、交友関係が見事にマッチしてDOVE RIDERになった。
そして、オーストラリアでは飽き足らず、JAWSやカウアイ島にも通う生粋のBIG WAVE RIDER。
from the 30th of august until the 11th of September we were on many different of mentawai islands of indian ocean.
we have surfed lots of well known breaks and unknown secrets guided by the one of the best know skipper of the game
surfing each and different locations almost every day
most of the times we were the only surfers we can spot around us…
even more fortunate that down deep south of indian ocean there were already 3 systems that were already strong and low as 950 to 940’s
Sam Yoon.